Getting to the Heart of the Season

Six years ago Dulce went to the emergency room because her hand was numb. She was scared, did not know what else to do, and did not have insurance. Dulce had Rheumatic heart disease and needed regular medical care; care she simply could not afford.  After being connected with Alliance Medical Ministry, she was able to get access to her own doctor and start a course of Coumadin to manage her heart issues.

Alliance gave Dulce access to medical care despite the fact that she did not have insurance, but that is only half of the story. For years, Dulce followed the advice of Dr. Joyner to manage her health.  She was also connected to one of our volunteer specialty providers, Dr. Paar, to have an in-depth look at her heart condition.  Earlier this year, Dr. Paar felt that Dulce needed more help; she needed mitral valve replacement.

Dr. Paar reached out to surgeons and the hospital and got a large portion of her heart surgery donated.  In September, two weeks after her surgery, Dulce walked into Alliance with her daughter and four-month old grandson to take pictures for Alliance’s Holiday Honor Cards.

“I am so thankful for Dr. Joyner, Dr. Paar and the rest of the team at Alliance,” shared Dulce.  “I don’t think I would be here right now without them, because I would not know where else to go.”

Alliance is here for Dulce now and will continue to be here in 2014.  Dulce works for a local supermarket, and based on her income and household size, will not qualify for healthcare subsidies through the Affordable Care Act.  She can’t afford health insurance and does not qualify for Medicaid leaving her in the healthcare gap. Alliance will continue to serve Dulce, and thousands like her in the years to come.

As we approach the holiday season, we often think of ways we can help others and provide hope.  This year, Alliance gave Dulce, and other working adults, the gift of health.  You can support their work to provide medical care to the working uninsured with a gift this holiday season.  You can even make a gift in someone’s honor and the recipient will receive a holiday card featuring a patient with acknowledgement of your gift.  To learn more about Alliance Medical Ministry, to make a gift, or purchase a Holiday Honor Card, go to

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