Come Take A Walk in Stephanie's Shoes

Stephanie Godwin, along with her husband and two boys, moved from New York to North Carolina for a better quality of life and to be in a family-friendly environment. They found exactly what they were looking for in Wake County! Stephanie takes care of their two boys, ages 9 and 11, while her husband works in the kitchen at a local Applebee’s. The company offers insurance, but the plans are still too expensive for an hourly employee. Come take a walk in Stephanie's shoes on May 1!

Stephanie and her husband do what they have to in order to make ends meet for their family. But then Stephanie ended up in the emergency room when her asthma got out of control. Luckily, she was referred to Alliance following discharge and now has access to doctors, medications and comprehensive care.

Recently Stephanie looked into health insurance options through, She found that their household income is too high to qualify for Medicaid, but not high enough to qualify for healthcare subsidies. Stephanie and her husband are one of thousands of Wake County adults who fall into the healthcare coverage gap. Luckily Alliance is here for Stephanie and many others just like her.

You can help provide a medical home to individuals just like Stephanie by participating in our newest event on May 1, In Her Shoes Women’s Leadership Luncheon. This event was created to highlight the fact that 68% of our patients are women. Click here to learn more!