Welcome Mandy Horner

Meet Mandy Horner, Director of Nursing and the newest member of the staff at Alliance Medical Ministry! She brings a wealth of knowledge about nursing and healthcare. She has diplomas in Licensed Practical Nursing, Certified Nursing Assistance, and Registered Nursing; along with hospital, nursing home, group home, and volunteer experience. She most recently worked at the Urban Ministries Open Door Clinic. 

Mandy is excited to return to her clinic roots--she wanted to work hands-on with patients again, and to educate and teach them about their health. As the Director of Nursing at Alliance, she has the opportunity to get back to face-to-face nursing.

Mandy’s main goal for Alliance is to engage patients in their own healthcare. She believes that every interaction with patients is an opportunity to help them take control of their own health. She says, “I want to individually change the views of patients to be healthy for themselves. This will create a ripple effect - into their families, the community, the public, the population.”
