Last Updated: Tuesday, 3/8/2022 at 1pm

On behalf of our team here at Alliance Medical Ministry, we strongly urge all of our patients to get their vaccination against COVID-19 to protect your family and our community.  

Variants of COVID-19 are still emerging and will continue to spread. Wake County has one of the highest vaccination rates in North Carolina, which is why we have been fortunate to have low transmission and a lower threat for severe illness. However, we are not out of the pandemic yet. Unvaccinated people and those with chronic illness or weakened immune systems are still at higher risk. The vaccines are effective against all variants and are safe, easy and effective. You can prevent severe illness, hospitalization and even death by getting vaccinated.  

Your Alliance Medical Ministry clinic now has the Moderna vaccine to offer to our patients. Alternatively, please refer to the list of free COVID vaccination sites nearest to your home here. Remember, COVID-19 vaccination is free, there is no cost, (please note some locations require an appointment). 


Dr. Burkett - Medical Director at Alliance Medical Ministry 

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